Join-Up International is a California registered 501(c)(3) equestrian non-profit organization devoted to furthering the concepts of world-renowned horse gentler and best-selling author, Monty Roberts. Join-Up International is dedicated to promoting gentle, effective alternatives to violence and force in both equine and human relationships.
“For centuries, humans have said to horses, ‘You do what I tell you or I’ll hurt you.’ Humans still say that to each other – still threaten, force and intimidate. I’m convinced that my discoveries with horses have value in the workplace, in the educational and penal systems, and in the raising of children. At heart, I’m saying that no one of us was born with the right to say ‘you must’ or I’ll hurt you, to any animal or to another human.” ~ Monty Roberts
Join-Up International’s Programs
Join-Up International’s non-profit programs currently include:
Fired-Up is a two-day equine-assisted retreat for active-duty fire service personnel. The program aims to provide participants with tools to overcome the daily stress and trauma associated with operating in a high-risk environment.
Horse Sense & Healing
Horse Sense & Healing program is designed for veterans (and first responders) suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – or as we like to call it, PTSI – post traumatic stress injury.
Lead-Up California
Lead-Up® International, launched in 2017, is an original and compelling Leadership Program, developed by a team in Guatemala led by Katie Pokorny, which aims to reach vulnerable you and create peaceful leaders through workshops with horses.
Partner-Up is a two-day equine-assisted retreat for active-duty law enforcement officers and 911 dispatchers. The program aims to provide participants with tools to overcome the daily stress and trauma associated with operating in a high-risk environment.